Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why God gives you MORE than you can handle!

I believe the standard Christian line when someone is going through a trial, "God will not give you more than you can handle" is wrong and unbiblical.

I am 33 years old.
I've survived cancer 3 times.
I've buried 1 child.
I've had 2 miscarriages.
I've experienced a failed adoption.

Believing in this line, that God will only give you what you can handle, takes the emphasis off of what only God can see you through and puts the emphasis on what you think you can do.  I believe it can easily create an innocent arrogance of "check me out - look what God is giving ME - look what God trusts ME with", even if in a joking fashion (which I've heard someone say) "I wish God didn't think so highly of me!"

In reality, the trial you are facing is not about God trusting you!

Your trials should be all about YOU trusting GOD!

If God only gave me what I could handle, I wouldn't need God.  If through each of these experiences, I was not stretched beyond my own human capabilities, sometimes to the point of complete brokenness, I would never understand faith - a true, unwavering faith in the strength, love and might of our Creator.

Walking through trials bigger and more difficult than anything that we can deal with in our own strength, allows God to not just be our Savior, but to be our Lord.  When we come to recognize that our lives were meant to bring glory to God (regardless of our circumstances), perhaps only then, can we truly see our circumstances through God's eyes.


  1. Excellently worded. Thank you for posting this. ~Grace

  2. ... I think that it's the fact that "they" always leave off the "in His strength" suffix to that line. God never gives you more than you can handle IN HIS STRENGTH ... which I've learned means: anything. Everything. You're right -- we can't handle anything without Him; but He can handle everything for us. Strong words, dear sister.
